
Our studio performs:

designs of houses, private, single-family, with flat and pitched roofs; We work both locally, on the territory of Ukraine, and remotely. Individual and ready-made workshop projects have already been implemented in Ukraine and European countries. The architectural bureau is located in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Building support 

Wherever the construction of our project, we are always involved in his life, and tried to do their utmost for the success of its implementation – supervision and is conducted personally and in remote way.

Project quality

The most important thing for the client in the work of our architectural studio and our difference is a detailed approach, our project do not have any zone for builders’ decision, everything that an architect, designer or engineer must decide must be in the project, our project. After all, only then can you demand quality during construction when there is a competent, meticulously worked out project. This way you can build a building of the highest class that will last for centuries, either big or compact.

Working geography 

“There are no geographical boundaries in our work” – this was said here quite recently, before February 24, 2022, but the exceptional brutality, incredible meanness and inhuman cruelty of the invading creatures erased a piece of the continent from our geography, and I think there is no need to say what and who we are talking about. We still make projects for people from all over the world, and for us there is only one limitation – a common language. English (except for Ukrainian and Russian, of course) is what determines the range of our communication opportunities, and in fact, general work. After all, it is together with the customer, sometimes and literally in tandem with him, that the architect designs a house, and the success of the project depends on the level of mutual understanding.

And one more thing, about the localization of the project. Wherever the building is built, the architect must carry out the project taking into account the building codes of the country where the building will be built – Ukraine, Sweden or Estonia. You need to familiarize yourself with the regulations of the country of construction, this is very important, and this stage, no matter how time-consuming it may be, cannot be skipped. If your site is in Montenegro, Norway or Cyprus, we need time to find, translate, and carefully study the regulations of the country of your future home. And then there will be no problems when putting it into operation..

Projects Authors

Volodymyr Glazkov, chief architect

Volodymyr Glazkov, chief architect

Graduated the Kiev State Art Institute (Ukrainian Academy of Arts now), Architecture Faculty. Worked initially in the Kyivproject project Institute, after serving in the army joined the UkrKurortProekt which designed sanatoriums, recreation complexes at cetera, in the Crimea, Moldova, Transcarpathia, in the Poltava region

After the Chernobyl Nuclear power station accident has worked on North, in the Tyumen region (master, foreman, head of the construction site), on line repair of main gas pipeline, on construction of compressor stations performing services

On return to Kiev again worked Ukrkurortproekt. Spa design at the time was characterized by large scale, and resorts or recreation starts from 100 beds, and often 1000 attained. Performed several such large projects in the late 80's - early 90's years, planned projects and competitive ones

In "perestroika" times when the resort designing stopped, began designing single-family homes. The first experiments have given a previously unknown feeling of working for a particular person who will live in your house.

In 2000 left the Design Institute for private practice, which he essentially did for several years. From that time to the present day, an architectural studio has been working, focused on private housing, single-family house, and house for person you see and communicate

Valery Kozlov, civil engineer

Valery Kozlov, civil engineer

Здобув освіту в Київському інженерно-будівельному інституті за спеціальністю промислове та цивільне будівництво.

Після закінчення ВНЗ працював в Інституті «Укргідроспецбудпроект», де брав участь у розробці проектів заводів та фабрик, а згодом і в інших проектних організаціях.

У науково-виробничому центрі «ТОР» з 1998 р. виконав проекти висотних будинків у складі проектної групи, з 2003-го – головний інженер. Брав участь у проектуванні житлового 24-поверхового будинку на розі Предславинської та Коновальця (Щорса); торгово – офісних центрів «Палладіум» на М. Либідській та на Індустріальній, 1а; житлових будинків на вул. Анрі Барбюса.

З 2008 – приватна практика у проектуванні житлових та громадських споруд.

З січня 2017 року - головний конструктор у НВЦ «ТОР», проектування багатоповерхового житлового комплексу із монолітного залізобетону

Залишив по собі декілька десятків проектів багатоповерхових будинків та кілька сотень будинків на одну родину. Багато людей живуть у будинків, які спроектував Валерій Козлов, і ця пам'ять надовго.

Volodymyr Sokolov, civil engineer

Volodymyr Sokolov, civil engineer

Получил образование в Киевском национальном авиационном институте по специальности промышленное и гражданское строительство.

Главный конструктор проектов:
секция «Е» жилого дома в г. Вишневом

Lesya Kurdova, architect

Lesya Kurdova, architect

Получила образование в Донбасской государственной академии строительства и архитектуры, на архитектурном факультете.

Ведущий архитектор проектов:
секции «Е» жилого дома и торгового центра в г. Вишневом;
проектов частных жилых домов
A3 и А5

Alisa Flore, architect

Alisa Flore, architect

Получила образование в Киевском инженерно-строительном институте, на архитектурном факультете.

архитектор проектов частных жилых домов:

Yana Yelnikova, interior designer

Yana Yelnikova, interior designer

Получила образование в Киевском институте декоративно-прикладного искусства и дизайна

дизайнер интерьеров частных жилых домов:



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